Feel Too Old To Accomplish Your Dreams? Read My Tips On How To Win Life At Any Age

Essentially this post is for me. I’m basically writing an advice guide that I need to follow. I’m providing tips that I obviously know but clearly, don’t follow.

Here goes…

Ever wanted to achieve a goal but some niggling doubt popped up that made you think ‘mmm, I’m a bit old now’ ?
Ever wanted to travel the world but thought ‘If I do that now when I come back I’ll be older and there are still things I need to get done’?
Ever wanted to change jobs but the prospect of spending 2-4 years training to qualify made you think it’s not worth it?

Long story short – it’s worth it. The goal, the travelling, the new job… whatever it is you want to do, it will be worth it.

My friends and family know that I reference my age all the time. It seems I have this innane fear that once I hit 30 my life is on the brink and my organs are going to shut down; my last breath will be me whimpering ‘I never got to buy a Gucci handbag’ 🙁

There have been many times over the last two or so years where I’ve contemplated doing other things. Things I know I’m good at, but not sure how to go about it or where to start. And instead of starting, I let the thought go. I move on from it until I’m in an unhappy place and think about how different things could be if I just got started.

We are pre-programmed with societal restrictions that dictate when we can and can’t do things. We then end up judging others by what they are doing at a particular age, using their decisions, hobbies, musical tastes, dress sense, possessions and other defining factors as ways to sum up their achievements, and ultimately their level of happiness – Pocket mindfulness

If you can relate, or feel that getting older is hindering your desires or ability to live the life you love then read on. We cannot let our age define us. We cannot live the same year 70 times and call it a life. We cannot look back and say ‘I wish I had started sooner.’


Win life at any age: 

  1. Remember what you have now, that you didn’t have back then. Sometimes we forget what we wished for years ago and don’t even realise when we’ve got it. At 21 you may have wanted a job paying 25k and over the years you worked through various jobs and now earn even more than that. Never forget those little ‘wants’ that you’ve slowly achieved just by living your life.
  2. Only compete with yourself. Ever looked at someone else’s relationship online and sighed at how happy and in love they looked, only for them to have broken up a week later? Ever seen someone buy a house and sighed that you don’t have mortgage money, only to find out how unhappy that person is in another area of their life? Do not compare who you are to anyone else. None of what they were doing will matter when you are on your deathbed.
  3. Find a sugar daddy who will pay for everything for you
  4. Talk to your elders. See what they were doing at your age. See what they didn’t get to do at your age. Get perspective and ideas from the people who have already walked the path you are currently trying to find.
  5. Monetise your hobbies. This is a completely separate topic and something you would have to research, but finding a way to make money from what you genuinely love doing will help you live a fruitful, happy life that enables you to change, twist and turn direction without having to ‘start again’ completely.
  6. Keep a diary. Talk to yourself. No, seriously. By documenting what you have or haven’t achieved you get a clearer image of what areas you need to improve in. You will notice patterns of what drives you and what doesn’t. What comes naturally and what doesn’t.
  7. Enjoy the ride. Us 90s babies had to suffer with purple eyeshadow and clear lipgloss and we were the first people to ‘try out’ as it were all these new gadgets and internet apps which are so popular today. We’re in an era where even the 13-year-olds are wearing Anastasia Beverly Hills and have access to gyms and it was all ready and waiting for them. Remember that growing older has as many perks as it does downsides and we grew up in such a great era which prepared us well for whatever madness might come our way in the future.
  8. START! Whatever it is you want to do – start today. Start by researching online. Start by writing down ideas. Start by creating that social media account. Just start. Nothing will happen overnight but nothing will happen at all if you never start the process. At this stage don’t worry about timeframes, that is the least of your concern. To keep you motivated, imagine yourself in two years time realising how quick time goes by and saying to yourself ‘If I had started ABC two years ago I could be doing XYZ now’ – that would suck, right?

I hope these tips have helped. They are basic, and that is the point. You don’t need any magic potion to change your life. You need guidance and a will to succeed. Time is on your side if you enjoy and appreciate all that you have lived for so far. Don’t let your age control your destiny, take control of your age and do what the f*ck you want with it x

One Comment

  1. Agreed. Actually it’s just as simple as doing something and not thinking about it, cause in the end you either wanna do it or not, ignore the externalities

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