10 Ways To Spring Clean Your Heart, Mind & Soul

spring clean your heart mind and soul

So spring technically doesn’t arrive until Wednesday 20th March but after the dull and dreary winter nights we had throughout December and January, the lighter mornings and calmer days have us feeling a little bit perkier already.

Growing up the term ‘spring clean’ was used to encourage us to clear out our wardrobe or finally hoover under the bed, but as we reach our twenties and beyond it becomes quite evident that our minds are often in need of a good spring clean, too.

I am in no doubt that most people reading this are carrying some type of heavy weight. Relationship problems, family illness, financial difficulty – I can certainly relate and I want to give you 10 handy tips on how to spring clean your heart, mind and soul ready for the best summer of your life.

10 Ways To Spring Clean Your Heart, Mind & Soul:

  1. Check your vision board. Or make one if you haven’t already, it’s not too late. We’re already 3 months into the year, have you advertently or inadvertently ticked anything off yet? If not, are you able to identify what you need to do in order to do so? Spring is a great time to re-excite yourself about all the plans and dreams you have for the future.
  2. Cultivate quiet time. We’re all busy I get that. But being busy is often an excuse we use for not  taking care of ourselves. Plan some alone time to take an internal inventory and identify what has been cluttering your heart and mind. Take a planned break from technology and spend time visualising how you want to feel in your life and in your relationships. Tips – meditation, yoga and prayer are usually great tools for this.
  3. Give up a grudge. Oh baby let it go. We have so much going on in our lives that freeing up this emotional energy is vital.  While having a range of emotions, including anger and hurt, is normal, letting those feelings take up permanent residence in your heart ultimately hurts you. Ask yourself why you are holding onto resentment or anger then refer back to step no.2
  4. Clear out your socials. How many people are you following because you felt the need to be polite and ‘follow back’? How many people do you not particularly like online but you feel obliged to follow them? Cut it. It’s really that simple. I did it recently and already I feel better knowing I’m not going to come across opinions that anger me, or miss my friends posts because I’m following too many random people I don’t care about. We use social media too much to pretend it doesn’t effect our mental well-being. 
  5. Send a nice message to someone right now. Tell someone you’re proud of them, or send a broadcast to your closest friends wishing them a healthy and happy week. Words of encouragement not only do wonders for the recipient but for you too. Be the good guy, even if it’s just this once loool.
  6. Live in the present moment. “If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are sad, you are living in the past.” Realign your focus and don’t think about anything other than today.
  7. Perfect time for a new hobby. A gym class once a week, an online coding course; a new realllly long series (GOT anyone?). Stop being busy doing things you HAVE to do and start being busy doing things you actually enjoy.
  8. Be kind to yourself. Find 3 affirmations that sound good to you and repeat them morning and night. You are so loved and much stronger than you think, so stop carrying round so much negativity about yourself.
  9. Start being yourself. Look where Cardi B is. You think she would be in her bag if she got embarrassed or refrained from doing things because OTHER PEOPLE weren’t keen? Please. Even with me I feel like I have people in my life who don’t really know the real me, because with different friendship groups I have to be a different person. It’s draining and has probably held me back from being a happier version of myself.
  10. Have sex. I mean, might as well? (couldn’t think of a no.10 and who doesn’t like sex. Just be sure you can handle the arrangement. I don’t want you reporting this post because you’re now crying into your porridge).
  • Bonus tip: Exercise! Get some fresh air!

I hope the above tips can help you recharge your batteries and prepare for the rest of the year. I know they seem pretty obvious but ask yourself how many out of the 9 (10 if you count the last one as a serious one) are you actively practising right now? Probably not many.

Please let me know in the comments below if you have any of your own helpful tips!

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