Have You Given Thanks Today?

Have you given thanks today? How is your day going?

If it’s going good, give thanks.
If it’s going bad, give thanks!

Giving thanks when things are going bad ironically makes everything all ok (eventually). This is because the more gratitude you show and the more thanks you give for even the smallest of things within your life, the bigger the shift in energy that attracts love and positivity towards you. The stronger the act of gratitude, the quicker and stronger things will turn around. So if you’re having a pretty crappy day today, just stop and take 10 minutes to have a good think about all the people, objects and ‘things’ around you that you can give thanks for. Your car outside your house, the food in the fridge, the plans you’ve made for this evening. Your parents, siblings, friends. The music you love to listen to. ANYTHING! Show some love and you will receive love back. You will also realise that things really aren’t that bad…

I’ve learnt that happy, successful people aren’t that way because of luck, but because they spend more of their time being happy and grateful than sad and negative. You can’t possibly feel good if you’re having negative thoughts. Just like you can’t feel upset or sad if you’re having good thoughts and a good time. 

Assignment for this afternoon: Whenever you feel sad, low, angry or negative: switch up the energy. Put your favourite song on and dance. Think of a good memory that will make you laugh. Go for a run. Do anything that will shift your negative energy into positive energy. The trick here is not to block out or try to ignore your negative thoughts, but to simply replace them and not give them enough attention to affect your mood. 

Lets all have a good time and a good weekend 🙂


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