Vital Things We Learn During Our Twenties

1. Cereal isn’t just for breakfast. Who even eats cereal for breakfast these days?!

2. Metabolisms do slow down with age. I really thought this ‘your metabolism will slow down as you get older’ malarkey was a myth but nope, I’m 2 stone heavier than I was in 2010. No point dwelling on the past version of us though, just keep it moving forward.

3. Being popular is not the dream. Knowing everyone and being everywhere is not as cool as it appeared to be when we were 17.

4. Buying things for your home is SO much fun.

5. Buying things for your home is really expensive.

6. Sh*t has suddenly got real. Jobs aren’t just for pocket money any more, they’re the gateways to our future. We’re thinking about where we want our lives to go and what we’d enjoy doing for the next 40 years.

7. Relationships are more about stability and loyalty as opposed to looks and image.

8. Having a baby isn’t promiscuous and ‘weird’ anymore. I still act somewhat shocked when a person in a long-term relationship announces they’re pregnant as if they’re 13 and just confessed it during assembly. Keep forgetting it’s normal. Guess that proves how far away I am from having a baby ell oh ell *sigh*

9. There is no such thing as a makeup sin as long as you know how to apply it correctly (and it suits you)

10. Being ourselves is more enjoyable than we thought it would be. Living up to what is deemed ‘cool’ is tiring as f*ck.

11. Having one handful of great friends is far better than having multiple handfuls of acquaintances.

12. Hangovers are real. The fake hangovers we encountered in our late teens are nothing on the mid twenty hangovers. They never get easier and we never learn.

13. Midday drinking is life; maybe that’s just me? I feel like I’ve had a cracking day if a Rekorderlig has made an appearance before the sun has set.

14. A night in with a face mask and a book/movie is seen as a relaxing treat instead of a massive bore like it used to be.

15. Having money doesn’t necessarily make us happy. It contributes to our happiness but we’ve learnt that happiness lies within and in forms of things that money simply cannot buy.

16. Nothing we’re needing to buy embarrasses us anymore. A 20 pack of extra small condoms? Not a problem! Pregnancy kit? Who cares! 9 pack of Penguins for a light lunchtime snack? Don’t judge me, I don’t care.

17. Photographs aren’t as sentimental as they once were but they’re just as important. Groups photo’s for the memories and endless selfies for the confidence. They’re everywhere, and we wouldn’t want it any other way.

18. Clear skin doesn’t just magically appear at 23. I used to always say ‘I have crap skin now but it will go when I’m an adult’. Yet here I am with a spot on my lip. Safe.

19. Late nights with early mornings usually mean something. None of us are catching sleep disorders for mundane activities or events.

20. Candles are everything. Not that I own any yet HA. I like to look though,

21. Our parents are eagerly waiting for us to tell them we’ve figured ourselves out. We haven’t.

22. Figuring ourselves out is a far more complex and distressing ordeal than we had anticipated it would be. The whole ‘oh well at 24 I’ll get married and at 26 I’ll have a baby’ scenario has long gone.

23. It’s ok not to be on the same level as everybody else. Life isn’t black and white with a step by step guide on how to accomplish everything anymore. People are having babies and then graduating. People are buying a house and then travelling. As long as we achieve everything we want to, we no longer care what order it happens in.

24. Saying that, we’re still scared at the prospect of being single and baby-less at 40.

25. Eyebrows are a necessity. If you don’t have them then girl you better grow them out and get those arches threaded!

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