Boys: She’s Just Not That Into You Either

Well we’ve all seen the film (I’m guessing!?), but what can be said for when the shoe’s on the other foot? He’s Just Not That Into You tells the tale of Gigi, a single woman in her twenties (?!) desperately looking for love. So desperate in fact that she reads every ‘sign’ wrong and humiliates herself in several ways by assuming men are into her, when in fact they’re not. Boohoo, sad story.

I suppose it’s part true for a lot of women that when they want someone to want them, they piece together the miniscule moments they have shared together – text messages, a drink at the bar, and they run wild with it hoping it all means this poor lad is hopelessly in love with her. This ultimately ends in tears when the fantasy becomes reality and they find out no such love affair has or will ever take place.

What about men though? I can’t speak for them as I am evidently not one but I do find it hillllariousss that some men are so sure of themselves and assume their game is so on point that they can just tell when a woman is head over heels for them. Sorry to be the one to tell you guys, but… she’s probably just not that into you either.



#She Texts You First: Look, the guy she really wants is ignoring her and she’s bored at home watching Hollyoaks so she decides to text you as it’s guaranteed you’ll reply. Haven’t you noticed that all she does is text you? She hasn’t asked you out, she hasn’t slept with you, mate…she hasn’t even asked what you do for a living. She doesn’t care.

#You Sleep Together: Yes yes, I know women do get attached easier than men and it is usually through sex, BUT, that doesn’t mean every female you sleep with is wanting your hand in marriage. She only likes your face and the fact you occupy her when she needs it – why you making a big deal of it? Haven’t you noticed that when (and only when) you start getting shook and back away because you think she just musssst be falling for you, that’s when they start getting annoyed? Not annoyed because they want you, but annoyed because you’re acting like a child. Do not tell a woman how she feels – unless you want 3 essays before 10:30AM.

#She Opens Up To You: When you sit down and talk to a woman, the conversation can go from 0-100 real quick. You can merely talk about the weather or somehow end up talking about life and love, feelings and future plans. It’s nice to talk on a level with someone where the conversation has some depth and soul to it. you’re still friendzoned though. You’re that guy she knows she can waffle to. She doesn’t want to carry out any of these future plans with you. Maybe your mate though. Maybe she’s hinting that you need to have a word and possibly slip you a 20 to set her up? Awk.

#She Wants your Attention: More time women go on this long winded  journey to try and get a males attention, just to do nothing with it. It soothes the ego to know that someone is willing to talk or give up their time for them. Women need to feel attractive and desired, so they will play little games to see if you’re willing to comply.

This might make you guys think women are ridiculous and yeah, we are. but so are you. And we all play games whether we’re clever enough to know better or not. Unfortunately that’s how this generation has programmed us into thinking and being. Boohoo, sad story.

I say these types of scenarios make guys feel ‘some type of way’ because it’s so common for a man to jump ship purely because he reckons the lady he’s chatting to is about to turn up outside his house with homemade pie with “I Love You” hanging off the bottom of it. Seriously what the hell. As I stated above, one thing men need to understand is that women start feeling aggy or emotional when (and only when) they feel like they’ve been TOLD how they feel. I say told, but usually what happens is the guy disappears and months later they find out they thought she was too into them so did a runner. When in fact that couldn’t of been further from the truth. So there’s a nice little situation that’s ruined, that could of ended amicably or turned into something nice anyway.

If you want to know for sure if someone is feeling you, then ask. Sounds like a no no thing to do but I think if you’re at least in your twenties then you need to stop acting like a pussy and just deal with the situation you stepped into in the first place. You can actually have the “I’m not looking for anything serious” conversation without needing to block numbers and change your identity…who knew?
Chances are she isn’t looking for anything serious either…shit, who knew!?







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