Setting Intentions and Manifesting A Better Life 101

First of all…I’m a fraud. I’m essentially going to write a blog post about something I’m not very good at, however, It is something I really do believe in and I do have past experiences of when setting intentions has worked and I have manifested what I have wanted. I have written a separate post about what I have manifested – you can read that here.

You either believe in the Law of Attraction or you don’t. Either way you are creating things for yourself regardless of your belief. Often when I’m in hard times my comfort zone is staying there. It’s feeling anxious and sad and revelling in the negativity that the situation brings. It’s hard to describe but being positive doesn’t feel as natural as being negative, therefore, I find myself reaffirming negative thoughts. And you know what? My negative thoughts then breed negative outcomes. It’s simple science really. How can I possibly live a happy fruitful life If my whole conscious and subconscious being is full of doubt, unhappiness, and discontentment?

I do believe some things just happen by chance, and not EVERY action is a reaction of our thoughts, but generally speaking the more we speak kindly to ourselves and believe in what we desire, the more likely the universe is going to make it happen for us.
I follow a great Youtube channel – her name is Amanda from and her Youtube channel can be found here. What I like about Amanda’s videos is they are very short and precise pieces of information and advice on how to manifest and create wonderful things for ourselves.

What I’ve learnt primarily from Amanda is that it’s really important to change our story when things aren’t going the way we want them to. If you’re struggling to find love and your past experiences have been negative, but your belief in love is also negative and limited then guess what? You aren’t likely to find anyone you truly desire because you are blocked by everything you dislike and don’t want. You need to change your story. You need to fake it til you make it. You need to say proudly that you intend to find love because you believe in love and you believe that people want to be with you. You need to gas yourself up with the belief that people are drawn to you because you are smart, attractive and worthy of being loved. Now, this is hard to do when your comfort zone is based off fear and doubt. It’s easy to say ‘I believe in love’ but 5 minutes later you remember that time David cheated on you when you were 9 and all of a sudden you hate men again. I get it – that’s truly my life story lol. But the trick here is to learn to always change the story when you start to doubt yourself or doubt your intention. The more you practise this the more your personal universe understands what it is that you want and it’ll shift the outcomes for you. You need to remember that your dominant thoughts don’t discriminate. Whether they’re positive or negative – whatever you focus on most will manifest.

Below is some tips on how to set intentions firstly, and then some tips on how to change your story and ensure that you are batting away any blocks or doubt when trying to manifest.

How To Set Intentions:

Start by getting clear with what it is that you want.
A new job? Start by saying ‘I intend to get a new job‘. You need to also get clear with why you want a new job (but focus on the positives not the negatives!) ‘ I intend to get a new job because I know I am a good employee and deserve to be valued. My skill set is worth £15000 more than what I currently earn.’ Remind yourself that the intention is true. Of course you deserve 15k more, why wouldn’t you? Of course you’re a good employee, why would anyone say otherwise? Talking to yourself in this way will not only rid you of any doubt you have about employment and finances but it will allow for opportunities to seek you out because the universe knows you deserve it. How? Because you said so!

You can also create vision or mood boards and affirmation posters if you like visual things to look at. Get creative with what you wish to manifest and look at it every day, repeating your intentions and reminding yourself of how you know it’ll show up in your reality when it’s ready. The more you trust the process the quicker you’ll reap what you sow.

Oh, also – gratitude! You must be thankful for what you already have even if you feel that you have nothing. Start your day giving thanks for the bed you slept in and the heating that automatically comes on at 6am. Give thanks for the food you ate and the car that got you home from work. You can give thanks anywhere and anytime so don’t try and rush it while setting your intentions and don’t overwhelm yourself. Just remind yourself often that you do have more to be thankful for than you realise.

How To Change Your Story

This has been a game changer for me. As I said before, historically I’ve liked to sit and dwell on my circumstances and find comfort in discomfort but that’s really because I never believed in myself or my abilities. I would doubt everything from my expertise in my job to how my friends value me to how partners love me, etc. I needed to change the story. It’s important to note that the more blocks you have or self doubt, the harder it’ll be to manifest anything…

So, best way to do this is to write down what isn’t going well. You may like your job but hate your co-workers or want a payrise (I mean…I do, I just haven’t manifested one yet lol).
‘I can’t stand the way my colleagues always get me to do everything.’
– ‘I intend for my colleagues to be effective in their work. They never need to rely on me’.

Can you tell the difference from the two sentences? One is focusing on a negative story and one is focusing on a more positive story with a better outcome. Another example could be:
– ‘My partner always goes out on a Friday night without me.’
– ‘I intend for my partner to always invite me out on Friday nights.’

It’s all kinda simple and corny but very effective when you think about how much better it feels to visualise the desired outcome. It might feel inauthentic or that you’re trying to convince yourself but that’s kind of the point. You need to convince yourself that you deserve to be invited out on Friday nights and not have dependant co-workers. Get it?

I prefer these methods when trying to manifest because in the past and in a lot of LOA books it will tell you that you have to 100% feel and believe in the story for it to come true, and that is really hard to do when doubt creeps in. Simply changing the story in your head and reaffirming your intentions several times a day or whenever you have a twang of doubt or fear will naturally shift your energy enough for it to still manifest. Also a lot of LOA masters will tell you you absolutely must let go of the outcome once you’ve intended it and basically forget all about it – again, very difficult. They say if you obsess over it you will be blocking it as you’re essentially saying to the universe that it’s not happening or still waiting for it to happen. So best way to tackle this is to repeat the intention, tell yourself that you know it’s going to happen because you say so and everything you intend you manifest and then do something to distract yourself. Whenever you get those thoughts of when and if, repeat that sequence. Even if it’s every hour! Eventually the letting go aspect of manifesting becomes easy.

What Can I Manifest?

Anything. Literally anything. Maybe not a third arm but pretty much anything else. Common response would be ‘well why aren’t you rich then or won the lottery’ and my reply would be that I haven’t put any real effort into manifesting being rich lol. I have doubts regarding finances and I don’t focus hard enough on what opportunities could come my way in order to be rich. But can you manifest it? Sure.

If you’re completely new to this concept then I do suggest checking out Amanda’s YT channel or reading LOA books. You should also play around and test it using simple intentions. Maybe intend that you will receive a number of compliments over the next few days. Tell yourself that you’re worthy of being complimented and you intend for people to say nice things and be kind to you. I’m sure people do this for you anyway because you’re all fab but I guarantee you will notice this happening more frequently the more you intend it to happen and the more you believe in the prospect of people complimenting you unprovoked.

Please let me know if you have any tips or what your experiences have been with manifesting and setting intentions. There’s a world of knowledge out there and I’m sure some of you have this down to a T better than me.

Happy manifesting!

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