Stop Making Stupid People Famous

Stop making stupid people famous

It’s a bit strong to call people who become famous through doing essentially nothing “stupid” because we don’t know their background, or what type of things they excel in. I do get where the quote is coming from though.

We’re in a generation where being silly and sitting on Facebook gets you recognised and gets you paid. For the most part I think this is actually a good thing. How wonderful it is to use your hobbies to your advantage. To use the apps and other such things you use everyday to get recognised in a way you’ve always dreamed of. It’s an easy route in to where most of us want to be. But how many of us are doing it “right”?

There are thousands of people, myself included, who use blogs or videos to showcase their talents to the world. With a good following you can reach people from all over the world and hopefully with a bit of luck and persistence you can eventually be paid for it. If I became successful and could quit my day job to blog full time – it would be a dream come true. I love writing and it does not feel like work. I write all the time whether texts to my friends or tweets to other tweeters, it’s something I do second nature and being paid for it would make my life. Other people enjoy entertaining others in other ways, such as funny videos.
There’s got to be a line though, surely? A line of what is “acceptable” entertainment and what is just plain embarrassing.

A lot of young people seem to be a little confused on what being successful or famous means. I think we’re past the stage where you need to be powerful or make a political difference to be famous, and that’s fine. But possessing no entertainment type value or putting yourself in a compromising position in order to be famous I feel is utterly ridiculous. Does it show insecurity? Low self esteem? Do these people think they have nothing else to offer than a laugh at their expense? I have no idea. I feel sorry for them though.

People are willingly making fools out of themselves in exchange for 5 minutes of recognition. I do not condone bullying of any kind, it is one thing I won’t tolerate. I have my opinions and I can shamefully be a little childish or bitchy about people but writing nasty comments to these people is uncalled for and wholly unnecessary. HOWEVER, it does not help a person’s case when they retaliate with “you’re a hater” or “I love all my hating fans”…look, just because someone doesn’t like what another person does, it doesn’t necessarily make them a hater. Not everyone is going to like what you do – that’s life. Not everyone cares enough to feel any type of way. It’s like dangling a piece of meat above a hungry dogs head – you’re asking for a bite and a reaction. To call anyone who feels what you’re doing is silly a hater just proves you’re not ready or mature enough to embrace stardom or global recognition. These people merely believe that there are other, more positive ways to get noticed. People are getting ahead of themselves and almost falling into denial by stating that people who are against them are simply jealous of their craft. If anything, these people are trying to help (although as I say, bullying is a no no and some people need to rephrase or consider their “words of wisdom” to not sound so insulting or mean).

I think it’s time we stopped “making stupid people famous” because all it’s doing is giving people a false sense of entitlement and making the younger generation grow up thinking they don’t need qualifications or a talent, all they need is 10k followers on twitter. It’s not going to work. It’s sad to see that we’re all dumbing ourselves down for fleeting moments of happiness. We already spend too much time staring at our phones – my friends should know, all they do is abuse me for having my IPhone permanently  attached to my hand. It’s time we encouraged one another to pursue a dream that gets us to where we want to be, not laugh and promote foolishness to get there. How far is that really going to get us? Who is going to remember our name in 2 months time – we live in such a fast paced society where trends come and go – let’s try and not just be another temporary trend aye?






  1. Necessary Post! I agree, we are living in a generation where a lot of nonsense is glamorised. The wrong things are continuously focused on and individuals that lack substance are given a spotlight. Like you stated, there are various issues that contribute to this problem. All you can do is stand firm in your character and hold on to your personal standards in a world that continuously tells you otherwise

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